To all my students:
To some of my students (en portugués, pero seguro entienden):
Dear visitor,
Thanks a lot for visiting my blog! My name is Pedro Hernán Zambrano and I am a mathematician. My research topic is Model Theory, a branch of Mathematical Logic (do not confuse with just Logic).
More specifically, I am interested in stability in metric non-elementary classes (in fact, superstability in Metric Abstract Elementary Classes, a metric version of non-axiomatizable -in Continuous Logic- classes of complete metric structures; e.g., Banach spaces, Hilbert spaces together with linear operators).
Also, I am interested to study the interaction of Category Theory and Model Theory.
I was invited to attend the Mathematical Logic Program at Mittag-Leffler Institute at Djursholm, Sweden which held in Fall 2009.
I am a member of Colombian Mathematical Society and Association for Symbolic Logic
This blog is devoted to write my personal thinkings and to be a communication way with my mathematical collaborators and students.
A nice advantage of using wordpress is we can write mathematical expressions in , so I will be able to write mathematical notes to my collaborators and students.
Thanks once more, and enjoy my blog!
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